New Wren Kitchen West Ewell

Client Locations – West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey

Client Brief:
A new (Wren) functional modern kitchen to be fully installed into an existing space, where the old dilapidated kitchen was standing. Configuration of area considerably changed and opened up to provide a generous feeling of more space.

Dabney Solution:

The current space and existing layout will be changed to create a much more spacious feel, with free-flowing lines and a much improved working kitchen triangle to satisfy all the family’s needs, especially with our very busy lifestyles these days. The very old dilapidated kitchen cupboards, worktops, doors, plinths, cornices and pelmets along with two solid brick/block structures to be demolished and placed in a large 6-yard skip. Electrics and plumbing isolated, kitchens electrical appliances removed in a safe manor. Electrics stripped back, any unwanted under unit sockets removed, plus the hot and cold plumbing supplies capped off and both services made safe. Power and water reinstated so remainder of property can function as normal and we will have plug in power for our onsite works.

Temporary kitchen formed – Using a time and money saving technique, the old kitchen base units, worktop with inset ceramic kitchen sink/mixer tap and dish washer will provide a temporary kitchen built in a convenient area so the family can live and function whilst the works were in progress. A temporary drain connection and mains cold water supply were provided for these temporary facilities by Clive at Dabney Plumbing.

First things first, demolition time with a Large Hammer (a large club) to be precise, a Pneumatic Kango hammer, two pairs of eager hands, safety glasses, two pairs of gloves (health and safety is paramount) and a couple of large buckets will be the main protagonists on this one for a couple of days initially.

“Written in the voice of John Copper Clarke” purely to enhance the experience.

Bang, bang and crash goes the hammer, accompanied with the occasional tone of the Pneumatic Kango hammer too. Bye, bye tiled splashback, the worktops are next,  cut in situ with an old circular saw and removed, dispatched in a quick snap manner and in the skip we go. The doors are off, no need to unscrew, just hit them hard with that versatile hammer, near to the hinge will do. On to the kitchen units, time to separate them, shall we unscrew? guess what, No, more hammer time! But wait, some items of crockery + cutlery remain including many a duplicated and triplicated cleaning product are found. (I’ve always struggled with people’s weekly shopping  list’s, why constantly buy the same thing that you already have in the back of your cupboard)? Anyhow, time for a cuppa, rest that hammer and a quick regroup.

Shall we unscrew the now removed empty kitchen cabinets? “No”, more hammer time! Bang, bang and crash goes the hammer, the cabinets drop and fall to the floor like a large pack of cards, the sound and ease of this exercise is so pleasing. One member of the matrimonial partnership starts to smile, the other appears mildly concerned. “No need to worry”, just let the hammer do the talking! “I confidently say”.

Next in line and for the skip the blocked non load bearing cupboard, door and frame. In the skip it goes to join its previous dilapidated friends. Finally, and to provide us with the ultimate blank canvas the brick dividing wall (once upon a time this was the outside wall) double skinned and of the cavity variety. Bring out the Pneumatic Hammer and plug her in!

After sustenance, the eager hands went back to work. Ear muffs were required for a task such as thus. A lot of noise and dust was made, after an effort of toil and grind the wall had gone and in a jiffy the skip appeared half full. Already you say? Rest and recuperation will be required and that included the red-hot Pneumatic drill. We will return bright and fresh for another interesting, productive day.

Onto the infrastructure we now go: The client knew an Electrician (fully insured and qualified). Clive at Dabney Plumbing with the help of the other eager pair of hands, has the skills and ability to do the rest. Chases were made, pipes where hidden, drains were opened, drains were cleaned to ensure full flow, below ground pipes laid, opening made repaired, waste pipes added 50mm of course to suit a double sink, integrated washing machine and integrated dishwasher, all in the new positions for the new kitchen, precise measurements are constantly made. Rather large holes in the floor had to be filled after the solid wall removals. A strong screed was made using a mechanical whisk in sharp sand and cement. Screed suitably laid and left to set over night. My preferred plasterer was engaged to work his magic. Entire room including ceiling sealed with PVA and bonded out and plaster skimmed flat. Sharp and clean internal and external corners were formed, fine finish plaster beads were used. “The walls and ceiling are so smooth someone says, can I really paint directly onto them”? Yes, you can. In a mist coat first of course…

End result:

Professor Plumb time (aka Clive Dabney). Let’s fit this premade solid (not flat-packed) Wren kitchen and see how it will become. After the usual head scratching and reasonable discussion, the wonderful prospect of kitchen fitting time was upon us. More measurements, more discussion, more marks on the wall. There was plenty to digest. Five spirit levels became accessible and to hand, try using five at one time, courses through my mind. My other friend appeared in the name of the two-way clamp. There will always be an occasional hurdle to overcome, especially with those wonderful integrated machines. Navigating the various instructions became a breeze. The spirit level never lies, not one out of five. First, floor standing units, always start at the kitchen sink unit, I was told many a moon ago.

The tower units were next, these giants of gargantuan proportions nearly touched the ceiling with minimal space left. Large end panels cut by hand, planed and sanded to suit this old wonky house, with its uneven floor. If something is not level or plumb, you’ll have a mountain to climb, I constantly reiterate. Floor standing units were eventually lined up to perfection on all sides and married up with those tower units at the same time. All units were clamped and screwed together to form one large solid run of cabinets on both sides. There is nothing more pleasing than creating something like this. Those integrated machines were next, lined up and fitted to suit the rest. Plumbing completed and pressure tested. “What a transformation,” someone else says…

Wall cupboards up next. More precise measurements were made, more reasonable discussion and more marks made. At one point the marks blended into one but, rest assured the wall cabinets were hung, clamped and screwed to form as one. More end panels became apparent, measure ever so precisely PP, cut, sand and screw together. Sometimes the earmuffs were required, not just to shut out the industrial din. Shelves and doors were fitted. Doors require finer adjustment to carefully line them up, patience is required. Pelmets and cornices were mitred to perfection and fitted using a two-part mitre glue. Finally, the plinths. The spirit level my friend was always to hand. Some say it’s an obsession but, Professor Plumb will constantly check, double check and check again that all is plumb and true. Now we are ready for the expensive, posh granite worktops to be fitted by a contractor of Wren. On my final return to plumb in the kitchen tap and test those integrated machines and to my unadulterated glee, the end result was more than rather amazing, exceptional some would say!!!

Kitchen fitting and plumbing

Client Testimonial

Clive aka Professor Plumb, due to his obsession with ensuring everything  fit’s as it should, is my go too tradesmen for all things plumbing, heating, installing and fixing. Recently Clive helped to remove our old kitchen and fit the new one, which we supplied from Wren. Clive demolished an internal (was external) cavity wall, re-plumbed the waste drainage, cemented and levelled the floor. The configured the plumbing ready for the washing machine, Dishwasher, Sink and tap and the pipework for a future American Fridge Freezer. Fitting the kitchen required experience and the tools to do the job

Lee Wayland

Kitchen Fitting, Plumbing, West Ewell, Epsom

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