Professor Plumb’s Blog

Clive Dabney at Dabney Plumbing Services has recently been tagged or nick named as “Professor Plumb”. This is for a very good sound reason and not to be confused   with the original “Professor Plum” from the boardgame Cluedo!!!

This is about attention to detail and professionalism. Using his wealth of experience plus fully understanding the process’s involved in delivering a perfect, precise, detailed finish in all instances.

Professor Plumb (Aka Clive Dabney) is obsessed with all things related to Plumb lines. To use an expression, “you can’t make a silk purse from a pig’s ear”. From the outset a clear mind and vision of the finished article is at work in the mind of Professor Plumb. This I will try and explain in more detail. Just imagine attempting to hang cabinet’s or fitting freestanding units or attaching glass panels or tiling walls or tiling floors and fitting appliances to surfaces that are not flat, level, true or square in the first place.

Professor Plumb will use his multitude of skills and equipment to level anything along any and every face possible to dam well make sure it is true, flat, plumb and solid in every way shape or form!!

My reasons for wanting to explain this is for the benefit of time, to avoid excessive labour charges, reduce costs in general, provide the perfect finish and ultimately help the end user or client.

“Professor Plumb is a perfectionist and will always endeavour to be a consummate professional”

Thanks for reading….

Preparing for the seasonal change

Preparing for the seasonal change

“What to do in preparation for the seasonal change and to carry out the necessary visible checks to your property” Spring has sprung and Summer is nearly upon us, at last I hear you say. As we start to venture outdoors, this is now a good time to pay attention to...

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